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Resumen de De fortificación Andalusí a campo de batalla en el frente extremeño durante la Guerra Civil. Exhumación de un soldado en el yacimiento arqueológico de “Castillo de Argallén” (Península Ibérica)

Antonio José Domínguez, María Fortuna, Antonio Doroteo López Rodríguez, Diego Sanabria Murillo

  • español

    La localización arqueológica de un soldado de la Guerra Civil Española entre los paramentos de una fortificación andalusí ha servido como vínculo interpretativo a través del tiempo de las ocupaciones militares de un mismo enclave geográfico. Este escenario comprende el llamado “Castillo de Argallén”, en el término municipal de Campillo de Llerena (Badajoz) y su estudio se muestra en el presente trabajo como fundamental para la comprensión del dominio musulmán en la Baja Edad Media de Extremadura. En paralelo, los vestigios del paisaje de guerra documentados que rodean la inhumación del soldado y el estudio de su propia materialidad, complementan la descripción de lo que ocurrió y apuntan las carencias que aún hoy arrastra el estudio arqueológico de la Guerra Civil Española en Extremadura y el tratamiento de los “desaparecidos” por parte del Estado Español.

  • English

    The archaeological location of a Spanish Civil War soldier among the surfaces of an Andalusian fortification has served, through the time, as an interpretative link of the military occupations of the same geographic enclave. This setting comprises the so-called “Castillo de Argallén”, in the municipality of Campillo de Llerena (Badajoz) and its study is shown in the present work as fundamental for the understanding of the Muslim domain in the Late Middle Ages of Extremadura. In the same way, the remains of the documented war landscape, which surround the burial of a republican soldier and the study of their own nature, complement the description of what happened and point to the lack still dragged by the archaeological study of the Spanish Civil War in Extremadura and the treatment of “missing people” given by “Spanish State” The archaeological intervention is part of a plan of action in the long term oriented to the revaluation of the archaeological patrimony of the regions where they settle. The works are located between the region of La Serena and the Campiña Sur (Badajoz), in the Sierra de Argallén.

    This geographical formation is located in the South East of Extremadura, establishing itself as a dividing line between the aforementioned regions. Its elevation has allowed an exceptional visual control between two territories that throughout history have acquired an own identity. This strategic position has been the one that turns this enclave into a spectacular one, which has been accumulating in it key remains when we try to understand both the surrounding territory and the historical events that modified it.

    The main objective of the archaeological intervention consisted of an approach to the sequence stratigraphic of the site. This approach meant the realization of two probes - PROBES A and B-, located in the highest areas of the site, taking advantage of the presence of a large concentration of structures. The general results of this campaign show the presence of a long cultural sequence. We can also say that we are facing a first-rate location for its role in different historical events, especially during the “Reconquista” and later resettlement of these regions, as well as in the Civil War.

  • euskara

    Gotorleku andalustar bateko paramentuen artean Espainiako Gerra Zibileko soldadu baten lokalizazio arkeologikoa izan da kokapen geografiko berean izandako okupazio militarren denboran zeharreko interpretazioa egiteko lotura. Toki horretan dago “Argallén gaztelua” deitzen zaiona, Campillo de Llerena (Badajoz) udalerrian, eta hori aztertzea funtsezkotzat hartzen da lan honetan Extremadurako Behe Erdi Aroan musulmanen nagusitasuna ulertzeko. Modu paraleloan, soldaduaren ehorzketa inguratzen duten dokumentatutako paisaia-aztarnek eta materialtasunaren beraren azterketak osatzen dute gertatu zenaren deskribapena eta oraindik ere Espainiako Gerra Zibilaren azterketa arkeologikoak Extremaduran dituen gabeziak eta Espainiako Estatuak “desagertuei” emandako tratamendua agerian uzten dituzte.

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