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Resumen de La Syntaxe Des Réactions: Etude comparée sur la complémentation des séquences fr. première réaction fut / it. prima reazione fu / pg. primeira reacção foi / esp. primera reacción fue

Reidar Veland

  • The aim of the present article is to provide a fine-grained description of predicative complements triggered by the Romance equivalents of the noun reaction in subject position in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. The hypothesis underlying the study was that a collection of comparable data sets would reveal significant patterns of intralinguistic and interlinguistic variation in the realisation of the predicative complement function. This hypothesis was largely supported. Major findings of the study include the strong tendency in Italian to use constructions headed by a pronoun in this function, and the low rate of syntactic variability shown by French.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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