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Resumen de Campylobacter coli Clade 3 Isolates Induce Rapid Cell Death In Vitro

Cecilia Johansson, Anna Nilsson, René Kaden, Hilpi Rautelin

  • Campylobacter coli is a common zoonotic cause of gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. The majority of infections are caused by C. coli clade 1 isolates, whereas infections due to clade 2 and 3 isolates are rare. Whether this depends on a low prevalence of clade 2 and 3 isolates in reservoirs important for human infections or their lower ability to cause human disease is unknown. Here, we studied the effects of C. coli clade 2 and 3 isolates on a human cell line. These isolates adhered to human cells to a higher degree than clinical clade 1 isolates. Furthermore, we could show that C. coli clade 3 isolates rapidly induced cell death, suggesting differences in the virulence of C. coli. The exact mechanism of cell death remains to be revealed, but selected genes showed interesting clade-specific expression patterns.

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