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Resumen de Redesigning a freshman engineering course to promoteactive learning by flipping the classroom through thereuse of moocs

Carlos Alario Hoyos, Julio Villena Román, Enrique Llorente Pérez, Pedro J. Muñoz Merino, Carlos Delgado Kloos, Iria Manuela Estévez Ayres

  • MOOCs have made it possiblenot only to provide quality open education for any learnerworldwide, but also to rethink theway on-campusteachingis delivered. Thematerials produced for a MOOC canbeconsumed byon-campusstudents beforearriving to the classroom, using class time to do activities that promote active learning, following this way a flippedclassroom strategy. This paper presents the experience of redesigning a first-year engineering course with a large number ofstudents (over 400 each year), in which MOOCs are reused, and a flipped classroom strategy is implemented, dedicatingmost of traditional lecture time to do hands-on, interactive activities. The results show an increase in students’ motivation,both in the use of MOOC content outside the classroom, and in the realization of hands-on, interactive activities inside theclassroom. In relation to the teacher, having information on students’ previous work outside the classroom, and onstudents’ work in the hands-on, interactive activities carried out inside the classroom, allows understanding better thedifferences between groups, tailoring the explanations during class time, and providing proper reinforcement activities tobe done after class.

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