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Resumen de A proposed methodology to evaluate educational competences in engineering degrees based on electronic devices and open access software

Alfonso González González, Alonso Sánchez Ríos, Cayetano José Cruz García, David Rodríguez Salgado

  • In the new context of the European Higher Education Framework (Bologna Process), the lecturers must cope with theeducational achievement assessment and with an appropriate control of the educational process. In this paper, we presentthe methodology used in the University of Extremadura to evaluate the educational competences in the real time by meansof Socrative (by Mastery Connect) launched in smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. This study has been carried out with thestudents of two Faculties: the School of Industrial Engineering and the University Centre of Merida, in the framework ofan educational innovation project focused on several technical subjects for the mechanical engineering and industrialdesign degrees. The result shows that the students have improved their competences and their skills, and also the interest inthe core syllabus contents, and a great satisfaction with the introduction of this type of activities as a complement to thelectures. Finally, they value this educational experience by means of a surveying, obtaining marks between 83%–85% of thestudents that consider it as a ‘‘positive’’ or ‘‘very positive’’ experience. The conclusions of this study show that with the useof this tool (Socrative), the students are more motivated and interested in the content of the subjects, with an improvementof their collaborative attitude in the class. It leads to obtain an outstanding performance, with a failure rate that in our case,has been reduced by a 20% from ‘‘classical’’ methodology. In contrast, the implementation of this new technological tooldemands a notable effort from lecturers’ coordination, besides a supplementary work.

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