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Resumen de Il controllo della Corte di giustizia sul rispetto del principio dello Stato di diritto da parte degli Stati membri: alcune riflessioni in margine alla sentenza Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses

Monica Parodi

  • The judgment in the case Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses (Court of Justice, judgment of 27 February 2018, case C-64/16) offers a significant contribution to the sensitive issue of the role of the Court of Justice in monitoring the respect of the rule of law by the EU Member States. The Insight focuses on the implications deriving from a paragraph of the judgment in which the Court identifies a link between the rule of law, as a common value pursuant to Art. 2 TEU, and Art. 19 TEU. The analysis aims to highlight the contribution given by the judgment in defining the concept of the rule of law within the EU legal order. Moreover, the analysis focuses on the nature and content of the obligation incumbent upon Member States to respect the rule of law, as a common value recognized in the Treaties. The last part of the Insight proposes a reflection about the role that the Court of Justice seems to define for itself in order to ensure compliance with the rule of law by the Member States, seeking to highlight potentials and criticalities.

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