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Detection of training deficiencies in the autonomous learning of graphic engineering students: A universityteacher training experience based on competencies

  • Autores: Noelia Olmedo Torre, Maria Martínez-Martínez
  • Localización: The International journal of engineering education, ISSN-e 0949-149X, Vol. 34, no. Extra 5, 2018, págs. 1592-1603
  • Idioma: inglés
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  • Resumen
    • The Universitat Polite`cnica de CatalunyaBarcelonaTech (UPC) offers a postgraduate teacher-training programme basedon ‘‘Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) postgraduate university teacher-training’’ competenciesconsisting of 15 ECTS, which officially began in September 2015. This Postgraduate course concludes with a final projectcarrying 6 ECTS in which students are required to design and plan an innovation in teaching to implement in the classroomand to analyse the results; this project is supervized by a senior female lecturer from the university with experience inteaching innovation. This article presents a final project that consists in planning different voluntary activities with the aimof increasing the level of acquisition of the autonomous learning generic competence of students engaged in GraphicExpression (GE). This is a core subject in the first year of all the engineering degree courses imparted at the UPCEscolad’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est(EEBE—Barcelona East School of Engineering). This set of activities will continuouslygenerate a series of outcomes to provide students with formative feedback, thereby enabling them to detect deficiencies inthe goals established for the subject and make improvements in good time. The results of these outcomes are then analysedand related to the compulsory assessments that are taken into account for the final evaluation of the said genericcompetence. Participation in these voluntary activities fosters the acquisition of the autonomous learning competence andcontributes to a notableimprovement in the teaching-learning processof spatial geometry.Furthermore, thispostgraduateteaching innovation project has allowed the participating lecturer to apply the acquired competencies to the differentsubjects, which has resulted in improved student learning as well as enabling a senior female lecturer to advise anotherfemale faculty member of the sameuniversity by sharing her experience, whichin turn has enrichedthe teaching experience.

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