Pensar és la nostra fortalesa i, alhora, és la nostra fragilitat com a humans. No en podem abdicar. Malgrat que un no tria els seus orígens, ni la família, no té un destí prefixat. La principal eina d’alliberament és el pensament. Sapere aude, «atreveix-te a pensar per tu mateix», era la consigna de la Il·lustració per Kant, i continua sent un deure i un repte. Ara bé, precisament perquè no ho podem tot individualment, el pensament hi és per posar-se al servei de qui li dona vida, és a dir, la comunitat humana. El fet de pensar críticament i seriosa té pretensió d’universalitat, per a qualsevol persona, en qualsevol lloc i en qualsevol moment. La filosofia no té el monopoli del pensament crític, però esdevé especialment aconsellable per combatre l’adoctrinament i la ideologia. Sospitosa és la societat que l’aparta de l’escola i de la ciutadania, com sospitosos són els filòsofs que s’aparten de la seva responsabilitat social.Paraules clau: Aprendre, pensar, activitat, crítica, educació, comunicació, reflexió, emancipació.
Thinking is both our strength and our fragility as human beings. We cannot abdicate thinking. Although one does not choose one’s origins or family, one does not have a predetermined destiny. The main tool of liberation is thought. Sapere aude, “Dare to think for yourself”, was the slogan of the Enlightenment according to Kant and it is still a duty and a challenge. Precisely because we cannot do everything individually, thought is to be put at the service of those who really give life to it, that is, the human community. The fact of thinking critically and seriously has a claim to universality for any person, anywhere and at any time. Philosophy does not have a monopoly of critical thinking but it becomes especially advisable to combat indoctrination and ideology. The society that sets it apart from school and citizenship is suspect, just as are the philosophers who move away from their social responsibility.Keywords: Learning, thinking, activity, criticism, education, communication, reflection, emancipation.
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