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Resumen de The Italian Navy in the Adriatic, 1918-1919. An Unknown Actor between Diplomatic Rivalry and International Competition

Oreste Foppiani

  • Italy’s participation in WWI did not give the hoped-for results following the secret 1915 London Pact. Internal factors (such as the inadequacy of the liberal élite) exacerbated a complex financial and socio-political situation. In addition, important external factors, such as the entry into the war of the United States and the diffusion of both Wilsonian ideals and American financial interests, combined with the British and the French ones, played against Italy. Eventually, both of these factors downsized the Italian Adriatic blueprint. It also emerges how little room for manoeuvre Rome had because of the French antagonism in the Adriatic Sea and the status of Italy as «Major Power by courtesy title only». In 1918-1919, some Italian flag officers took initiatives to try to expand the power of Rome beyond the treaties negotiated and signed during the Paris Peace Congress.

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