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Resumen de A framework for the development of social responsibility in engineers

Nathan Canney, Angela R. Bielefeldt

  • This paper presents the Professional Social Responsibility Development Model, which is a framework to help understandthe development of personal and professional social responsibility in engineers. Social responsibility is seen as afoundational disposition that informs how engineers relate to many professional skills valued in engineering includingethics and the impacts of engineering on society. This framework is rooted in the Ethic of Care philosophy, and uses threerealms to describe the development of social responsibility: the development of personal social awareness, the developmentof professional skills and how they relate to social considerations, and the connection between personal and professionalviews of obligation or responsibility. Qualitative data from interviews with engineering students are used to exemplifydevelopment in each realm. This conceptual framework is intended as a blueprint for developing studies and assessmentinstruments which examine the development or identification of social responsibility in engineers or other professionals.Results from one such tool are presented to exemplify one way in which this framework could be used.

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