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Resumen de Argumentation-based Intention Formation Process

Mariela Morveli Espinoza, Ayslan Trevizan Possebom, Josep Puyol Gruart, César Augusto Tacla

  • español

    Este trabajo presenta una formalización basada en argumentación para el proceso de formación de intenciones en agentes prácticos. Se basa en el modelo de procesamiento de objetivos propuesto por Castelfranchi y Paglieri, el cual es un modelo más expresivo y con más etapas que el modelo BDI (Creencias-Deseos-Intenciones). Nos enfocamos en la evolución de los objetivos desde que son deseos hasta que se convierten en intenciones, incluyendo las condiciones bajo las cuales pueden ser cancelados. La argumentación soporta el paso de los objetivos desde su estado inicial hasta el final. Nuestra propuesta cumple con las propiedades de diacronía y sincronía. La primera quiere decir que el soporte se da desde que el objetivo es un deseo hasta que es una intención, y la segunda significa que la trayectoria del soporte puede ser seguida, i.e. hay una memoria del camino cognitivo que va desde el comienzo del proceso hasta su final

  • español

    In this work, we present an argumentation-based formalization for supporting the process of formation of intentions in practical agents. This is based on the belief-based goal processing model proposed by Castelfranchi and Paglieri, which is a more expressive and refined model than the BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) model. We focus on the progress of goals since they are desires until they become intentions, including the conditions under which a goal can be cancelled. We use argumentation to support the transition of the goals from their initial state until the last one. Our proposal complies with both supporting relation properties defined by Castelfranchi and Paglieri, diachrony and synchrony. The former means that the support happens since the goal is a desire until it becomes an intention, and the latter that the support can be tracked, i.e. there is a memory of the cognitive path from the beginning of the process until the end. In this work, we present an argumentation-based formalization for supporting the process of formation of intentions in practical agents. This is based on the belief-based goal processing model proposed by Castelfranchi and Paglieri, which is a more expressive and refined model than the BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) model. We focus on the progress of goals since they are desires until they become intentions, including the conditions under which a goal can be cancelled. We use argumentation to support the transition of the goals from their initial state until the last one. Our proposal complies with both supporting relation properties defined by Castelfranchi and Paglieri, diachrony and synchrony. The former means that the support happens since the goal is a desire until it becomes an intention, and the latter that the support can be tracked, i.e. there is a memory of the cognitive path from the beginning of the process until the end

Fundación Dialnet

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