Objetivo Analizar el éxito, el manejo del equipo de ecografía y la incidencia de complicaciones de los bloqueos supraclaviculares ecoguiados (BSE) en el escenario clínico, realizados por los residentes de anestesiología previamente entrenados con modelo teórico y simulado.
Métodos Estudio de cohorte prospectivo, entre residentes de anestesiología (R1, R2, R3, R4) quienes recibieron entrenamiento previo teórico-práctico en modelos simulados. La evaluación se realizó por anestesiólogos expertos con análisis de video de la pantalla del ecógrafo realizado al momento del inicio del BSE.
Resultados Fueron evaluaron 16 residentes, quienes realizaron 156 BSE. Ninguno tenía experiencia previa en bloqueos ecoguiados. El éxito del bloqueo fue del 96,15%, el manejo del equipo fue excelente (del 86 al 95%), sin diferencias significativas entre los residentes (p = 0,61). La incidencia de complicaciones fue del 0,64%, correspondiente a punción arterial.
Conclusiones En BSE, el entrenamiento previo con modelo teórico y simulado podría aumentar la probabilidad de éxito y disminuir las complicaciones. Los residentes desde primer año con un adecuado entrenamiento logran ser exitosos en la realización del procedimiento.
Introduction The teaching based on simulation and acquisition of skills is changing the paradigm of education and restructuring the clinical residences, with the aim of acquiring better skills, increasing procedural success, reducing complications, as well as providing safe, effective, and efficient and focused care of the patient. Peripheral nerve blocks have advanced as techniques for anatomical repairs, use of neurostimulator, and ultrasound. The posgraduate anaesthesiology program implemented a teaching program that included phases of theoretical teaching, training with simulated models, and application in real scenarios.
Objective To analyse the success, the management of the ultrasound equipment and the incidence of complications of ultrasound-guided supraclavicular blocks (BSE) in the clinical scenario, performed by residents of anaesthesiology previously trained with a theoretical and simulated model.
Methods Prospective cohort study among residents of anaesthesiology (R1, R2, R3, R4), who received previous theoretical-practical training on simulated models. The evaluation was performed by expert anaesthesiologists, with video analysis of the ultrasound screen performed at the time of BSE initiation.
Results The evaluation included 16 residents, who performed 156 BSE. None had previous experience in ultrasound-guided blocks. The success of the block was 96.15%. The team management was excellent (from 86% to 95%), with no significant differences among the residents. (P = .61) The incidence of complications was 0.64%, corresponding to arterial puncture.
Conclusions In BSE, previous training with a theoretical and simulated model could increase the probability of success and reduce complications. With adequate training, first year residents managed to successfully carry out the procedure.
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