n this article we present different perspectives on what are and what is the function of defense mechanisms, namely the perspectives of A. Freud, Vaillant, Cramer and Ihilevich and Gleser. Then we describes some instruments for assessing defense mechanism s that follow or operationalize the aforementioned perspectives.
In this paper there is a special focus on the Defense Mecahnisms Inventory ( Ihilevich & Gleser, 1986) that operationalizes the author's perspective and allows to obtain results for five scales:
Turning Against Object, Projection, Principalization, Turning Against Self and Reversal . Differently to a maturational, evolutionary approach, this perspective assu mes that the different types of defense mechanisms may be equally adaptive, depending on their degree of flexibility and on the degree that they preserve reality testing. the Children Aperception Test (CAT; Bellak & Bellak, 1949, 1950) is also presented a s an instrument that allows the assessment of defense mechanisms in children.
Neste artigo apresentam - se diferentes perspectivas sobre o que são e qual a função dos mecanismos de defesa, nomeadamente as perspectiva de A. Freud, Vaillant, Cramer e de Ihilevich e Gleser. De seguida, descrevem - se alguns instrumentos de avaliação de mec anismos de defesa que decorrem ou operacionalizam as perspectivas referidas. Dá - se um enfoque especial ao Defense Mecahnisms Inventory ( Ihilevich & Gleser, 1986) que operacionaliza a perspectiva dos autores e que permite obter resultados para cinco escalas:
Turning Against Object , Projection , Principalization , Turning Against Self e Reversal . Contrariamente a uma abordagem maturacional/ evolutiva, esta perspectiva a ssume que os diferentes tipos de mecanismos de defesa podem ser igualmente adaptativos, dependendo da sua flexibilidade e do grau em que preservam o teste da realidade. Descreve - se ainda o Children Aperception Test (CAT; Bellak & Bellak, 1949, 1950) enquan to instrumento que permite a avaliação dos mecanismos de defesa em crianças.
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