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Resumen de Turismo juvenil: ¿Vacaciones familiares o independientes?

Jorge Zamora González, Marcela Opazo, Ester Fuenzalida, Rodrigo Loyola

  • español

    El segmento juvenil aparece poco atractivo para operadores turísticos por su reducido ingreso, incompatibilidad con otros visitantes y menor rentabilidad. Hay dudas si el mercado está ofreciendo productos turísticos para ellos, desconociéndose, cuánto y dónde vacacionan, cómo compran, y qué buscan los jóvenes. Este trabajo explora aquí la conducta, los hábitos y la forma de compras juveniles y es el resultado de un estudio basado en una encuesta estadística estratificada y proporcional, por clase social y edad.

  • English

    Conduct, Expectations and Purchase. Youth is a rather unattractive segment for tour operators due to its reduced income, incompatibility with other customers, and lower profitability. Yet there is doubt as to whether the market is offering suitable tourism products and services for young people, as there is little information about the length of their holidays, the amount they spend, where they go, how they buy products and services and what it is that they are looking for. This paper explores young people’s conduct, habits, and forms of purchasing are explored. A statistical survey was applied, with a non-proportional stratified sampling by class and age.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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