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Resumen de Metáfora y metonimia: estrategias retóricas de organización narrativa. Análisis de caso en el cine clásico y posmoderno

Carlos Fernando Alvarado Duque, Wilson Escobar Ramírez

  • español

    La metáfora y la metonimia amplifican el sistema expresivo que ha tejido el séptimo arte a lo largo de su historia. Nos interesa mostrar cómo dichas figuras son capaces de producir sentido más allá de las formas clásicas del lenguaje. Sin negar su rol funcional, su verdadera fuerza radica en su uso poético. Ambas figuras operan como estrategias narrativas que permiten hacer variaciones sobre la narrativa clásica y que dan pie a procesos transtextuales. En calidad de análisis de caso realizamos una exegesis de cuatro filmes que pertenecen al cine clásico de Hollywood y al cine postmoderno para mostrar el funcionamiento de la metáfora y la metonimia en dos momentos diferentes de la historia del cine.Metaphor and metonymy amplify the expressive system that has woven the seventh art throughout its history. We want to show how these figures are capable of producing meaning beyond the classical forms of language. Without denying their functional role, its real strength lies in its poetic use. Both figures operate as narrative strategies that make variations on the classic narrative and give rise to trans-textual processes. As a case analysis, we did an exegesis of four films that belong to classic Hollywood cinema and postmodern cinema to show the operation of metaphor and metonymy in two different moments in the history of cinema.

  • English

    Metaphor and metonymy amplify the expressive system that has woven the seventh art throughout its history. We want to show how these figures are capable of producing meaning beyond the classical forms of language. Without denying their functional role, its real strength lies in its poetic use. Both figures operate as narrative strategies that make variations on the classic narrative and give rise to trans-textual processes. As a case analysis, we did an exegesis of four films that belong to classic Hollywood cinema and postmodern cinema to show the operation of metaphor and metonymy in two different moments in the history of cinema.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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