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Resumen de Metonimia y lectura natural: filogenia del humano signo

Carlos López de Silanes de Miguel

  • español

    El estudio del cerebro humano permite comprender algunos aspectos de la relación que el lenguaje establece entre la mente y el mundo, como órgano transicional en los procesos de la materia. Se propone así una indagación neurológica en los orígenes acústicos del signo lingüístico, dentro de un modelo evolutivo y táctil que integra la oralidad con la letra impresa, aplicado en este trabajo a la semiología de los trastornos de la lectura.The study of the human brain allows us to understand some aspects of the relationship that language establishes between the mind and the world, as a transitional organ in the processes of matter. A neurological investigation is proposed in the acoustic origins of the linguistic sign, within an evolutionary and tactile model that integrates orality with written letter, applied in this work to the semiology of reading disorders.

  • English

    The study of the human brain allows us to understand some aspects of the relationship that language establishes between the mind and the world, as a transitional organ in the processes of matter. A neurological investigation is proposed in the acoustic origins of the linguistic sign, within an evolutionary and tactile model that integrates orality with written letter, applied in this work to the semiology of reading disorders.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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