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Resumen de Representación iconográfica de las mujeres en la publicidad de perfumes

Ana M. Muñoz Muñoz, María del Mar Martínez Oña

  • español

    Se analizan las iconografías femeninas representadas en la publicidad de perfumes a partir de una muestra de cincuenta anuncios gráficos publicados desde el año 2000 hasta el 2015. La metodología aplicada fue la iconográfica, a partir de la cual se crearon categorías: diosas del Olimpo, princesas, mitos cinematográficos, mujer y serpiente y mujer y felino. Los resultados muestran que la pervivencia de estas mitologías en la publicidad gráfica instaura en el subconsciente colectivo unos estereotipos femeninos y cánones de belleza sexualizados que reafirman la pervivencia idealizada de conocidos mitos en la publicidad gráfica de este sector.The female iconographies represented in perfume advertising are analyzed from a sample of fifty graphic advertisements published from 2000 to 2015. The applied methodology was iconographic, from which categories were created: Olympian goddesses, princesses, cinematographic myths, woman and snake and woman and feline. The results show that the survival of these mythologies in graphic advertising establishes feminine stereotypes and sexualized beauty canons in the collective subconscious that reaffirm the idealized survival of well-known myths in graphic advertising in this sector.

  • English

    The female iconographies represented in perfume advertising are analyzed from a sample of fifty graphic advertisements published from 2000 to 2015. The applied methodology was iconographic, from which categories were created: Olympian goddesses, princesses, cinematographic myths, woman and snake and woman and feline. The results show that the survival of these mythologies in graphic advertising establishes feminine stereotypes and sexualized beauty canons in the collective subconscious that reaffirm the idealized survival of well-known myths in graphic advertising in this sector.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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