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Efecto del láser infrarrojo de uso clínico sobre el perineuro de nervio isquiático de conejo.

  • F. Matamala [1] ; C. Veuthey [2] ; B. Molina [1] ; H. Silva [1] ; J. Henríquez [1]
    1. [1] Universidad de La Frontera

      Universidad de La Frontera

      Temuco, Chile

    2. [2] Universidad Católica Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria
  • Localización: Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, ISSN 0301-732X, ISSN-e 0717-6201, Vol. 33, Nº. 2, 2001, págs. 253-259
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Effect of the clinical infrared laser on the perineurium of rabbit isquiatic nerve.
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      El rayo láser infrarrojo se utiliza para obtener disminución del dolor, aumento de la reparación tisular y disminución de la inflamación. El propósito de este trabajo fue comprobar la respuesta del tejido colágeno del perineuro de nervio isquiático sano de conejo, ante la estimulación del rayo láser infrarrojo. Se irradiaron transcutáneamente 10 conejos según el esquema habitual de tratamientos kinésicos. Los nervios irradiados y los controles fueron tratados con técnicas histológicas para tejido colágeno. La medición del espesor del perineuro se efectuó con un retículo ubicado en el ocular de un microscopio de luz. El perineuro de los nervios irradiados presentó mayor espesor que los controles, comprobado por análisis estadístico computacional. Se observó gran cantidad de tejido adiposo alrededor del nervio y aumento de volumen de los nervios irradiados. Se concluye que la aplicación de rayos láser infrarrojos sobre nervios periféricos produce variaciones en la morfología normal de estos nervios.

    • English

      The infrared laser beam employed as a Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is postulated by many authors as pain reliever and scar tissue healing by increasing cellular metabolism, irrigation and tisular cells repairing. The main goal of this experience was to check the thickness of healthy rabbit isquiatic perineurium nerve, which were irradiated with infrared laser. In each session, ten healthy rabbits were irradiated on the skin of the rigth leg with 10 Joule/cm² energy during 9 minutes to complete 10 of them, according to the rules of kinesic treatment. The animals were sacrified and their legs dissected , extracting the right and left isquiatic nerves. All nerves were treated by histologic procedure in order to observe colagen tissue (Van Giesson and Mallory methods) .The left side nerve was used as a control. Perineurium thickness measurement was performed with a reticulated micrometer (400 X 0,25mm²) located at the ocular piece of the ligth microscope and were observed both histologic preparation, irradiated one and the control nerves. The results were subjeted to statistical analysis using the SPSS for window 7,0 computational program. It was possible to verify that perineurium thickness is not quite exactly the same in all the fascicles, in both groups of nerves. Furthermore, the average perineurium thickness was 27.8 um for irradiated nerves and 21 um for control nerves,showing a statistically significant difference between them. Next to this fact, the irradiated nerves showed bigger volumes and a great amount of fat in comparison to control nerves. The conclusion is that application of infrared laser beam produce a variation in normal morphology of peripherical nerves

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