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Resumen de Autotrascendencia, ansiedad y depresión en pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento. Barquisimeto. 2015

Jesús Manuel Guerrero Alcedo, Abigail Ramses Prepo Serrano, José Gregorio Loyo Álvarez

  • español

    Introducción: muchos estudios han verificado la existencia de trastornos psicopatológicos como ansiedad y depresionantes, durante y posterior al proceso de enfermedad del paciente con cáncer. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre autotrascendencia, ansiedad y depresión en pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio de asociación, transversal, realizado entre diciembre de 2014 y abril de 2015. Se utilizó una muestra de 140 pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento de quimioterapia y/o radioterapia como mínimo un mes, 62 hombres y 78 mujeres en edades comprendidas entre 18 y 60 años, quienes asistieron a cuatro centros de salud del Estado Lara, Venezuela, los cuales respondieron de manera voluntaria y bajo consentimiento informado la Escala de Autotrascendencia de Reed,  Escala de ansiedad manifiesta para adultos y Escala de depresión de Zung. Resultados: a través del análisis de correlación de Pearson, se encontró una relación negativa baja entre la autotrascendencia y la dimensión de preocupaciones sociales y estrés de la escala de ansiedad (r=-.235; p<.01), así como relación negativa moderada con la depresión (r=-.439; p<.01). En cuanto a la ansiedad y la depresión, se encontró una relación positiva moderada (r=.519; p<.01).La prueba t de student arrojó diferencias significativas en la ansiedad y en las dimensiones inquietud e hipersensibilidad y ansiedad fisiológica. Conclusiones: los resultados de la presente investigación manifiestan la necesidad de planificar intervenciones dirigidas a potenciar la autotrascendencia en pacientes con cáncer, con la finalidad de mitigar los síntomas asociados a ambos trastornos.Palabras clave: espiritualidad, ansiedad, depresión, quimioterapia, radioterapia, cáncer.ABSTRACTIntroduction: many investigations have determined the existence of psychopathological illnesses like anxiety and depression before, during, and after the disease process for cancer patients. Objective: to determine the relation between Self-Transcend, Anxiety and Depression in cancer patients receiving treatment. As well as, to establish differences based on gender. Materials and Methods: association, transversal study executed between December 2014 and April 2015. The sample was made up of 140 cancer patients who receive chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment with a minimum of one month in treatment, 62 men and 78 women between the ages of 18-60, who attended four health centers in the state of Lara-Venezuela. Each participant gave their consent and responded voluntarily to Reed’s Self-transcendence Scale, the Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale, and Zung’s Depression Scale. Results: using Pearson’s correlational analysis, a small negative relation was found between Self-Transcend and the dimension Social Concerns/Stress of the Anxiety scale (r=-.235; p<.01) as well as, a moderate negative relation with Depression (r=-.439; p<.01). As for Anxiety and Depression, a moderate positive relation was found (r=.519; p<.01). Student’s T study showed significant differences for Anxiety and the dimensions of Worry/Oversensitivity and Physiological Anxiety.  Conclusion: the results of this study manifest the need for interventions that potentiate self-transcendence in cancer patients, with the purpose of mitigating the symptoms associated with both disorders. Key words: spirituality, anxiety, depression, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cancer.

  • English

    Introduction: many investigations have determined the existence of psychopathological illnesses like anxiety and depression before, during, and after the disease process for cancer patients. Objective: to determine the relation between Self-Transcend, Anxiety and Depression in cancer patients receiving treatment. As well as, to establish differences based on gender. Materials and Methods: association, transversal study executed between December 2014 and April 2015. The sample was made up of 140 cancer patients who receive chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment with a minimum of one month in treatment, 62 men and 78 women between the ages of 18-60, who attended four health centers in the state of Lara-Venezuela. Each participant gave their consent and responded voluntarily to Reed’s Self-transcendence Scale, the Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale, and Zung’s Depression Scale. Results: using Pearson’s correlational analysis, a small negative relation was found between Self-Transcend and the dimension Social Concerns/Stress of the Anxiety scale (r=-.235; p<.01) as well as, a moderate negative relation with Depression (r=-.439; p<.01). As for Anxiety and Depression, a moderate positive relation was found (r=.519; p<.01). Student’s T study showed significant differences for Anxiety and the dimensions of Worry/Oversensitivity and Physiological Anxiety.  Conclusion: the results of this study manifest the need for interventions that potentiate self-transcendence in cancer patients, with the purpose of mitigating the symptoms associated with both disorders. Key words: spirituality, anxiety, depression, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cancer.

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