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Resumen de Multi representation systems in the design of a microworld for the learning of sorting algorithms

Maria Kordaki, Micael Miatidis, George Kapsampelis

  • This paper presents the design and the features of a Web-based micro-world -the SORTING micro-world- constructed for the learning of sorting algorithms by secondary level education students. The design of this microworld has been based on modern constructivist and social theories of learning. SORTING is an interactive environment that can support learners: a) to express their own sorting procedures in Multiple Representation Systems (MRS), b) to express their own approaches to typical sorting algorithms, c) to correct their sorting actions while actually sorting entities using typical sorting algorithms by receiving immediate feedback by the system, d) to explore typical sorting algorithms in MRS when these algorithms are automatically performed by the system, and e) to give different meanings to a sorting algorithm when it is represented in different RS so as to acquire a broad view of this algorithm. The typical sorting algorithms in focus are: Bubble-sort, Quick-sort and Selection-sort.

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