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Resumen de Acceso a la vivienda en contextos de gentrificación y turistificación urbana

Mario Arroyo Alba

  • español

    Las principales ciudades de nuestro entorno se están viendo afectadas en la actualidad por tendencias urbanas globales que marcan el ritmo de su desarrollo. Procesos de transformación como la turistificación y la gentrificación están atravesando diferentes territorios, principalmente en los centros urbanos, e incidiendo de forma específica en la forma en que construimos nuestras ciudades. La relación entre problemas sociales como las dificultades en el acceso a la vivienda, la desigualdad y la segregación en el medio urbano y este tipo de transformaciones está siendo ampliamente estudiada por distintas disciplinas y cobrando relevancia en el ámbito académico. El presente artículo recoge los principales resultados y conclusiones de una investigación llevada a cabo con el objetivo de aproximarse al problema del acceso a la vivienda en este tipo de contextos, concretamente en el barrio madrileño de Lavapiés. De esta forma, se ha intentado analizar de forma crítica los procesos de transformación urbana y sus consecuencias en forma de problemas sociales.Major cities in Spain are being affected by global city trends that define the pace of their development. Processes of transformation like touristification and gentrification are crossing different territories, mainly in urban centers, and specifically affecting the way we build our cities. The relationship between social issues, like difficulties accessing housing, inequality, and the segregation of the city, and this type of transformation is being widely studied by a variety of disciplines and gaining more and more relevance in academia. This article presents the main results and conclusions of research carried out on the problem of access to housing in these kinds of contexts, specifically in the Lavapiés neighborhood of Madrid. In this way, the processes transforming the city and their consequences as social problems were analyzed from a critical perspective.

  • English

    Major cities in Spain are being affected by global city trends that define the pace of their development. Processes of transformation like touristification and gentrification are crossing different territories, mainly in urban centers, and specifically affecting the way we build our cities. The relationship between social issues, like difficulties accessing housing, inequality, and the segregation of the city, and this type of transformation is being widely studied by a variety of disciplines and gaining more and more relevance in academia. This article presents the main results and conclusions of research carried out on the problem of access to housing in these kinds of contexts, specifically in the Lavapiés neighborhood of Madrid. In this way, the processes transforming the city and their consequences as social problems were analyzed from a critical perspective.

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