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Resumen de Negation in Catalan: some Remarks with regard to no pas

María Teresa Espinal Farre

  • català

    En aquest treball es mira de contestar algunes preguntes que hom pot formular-se en l'estudi de les construccions negatives en català: (a) quants marcadors negatius cal distingir, (b) com cal descriure a la gramàtica nuclear d'aquesta llengua la diferència entre no i no pas, i (c) quina representació sintàctica s'hauria d'assignar a les estructures sintàctiques negatives. Es proposa que, a part de no, hi ha dos marcadors negatius: no pas 1, que és un nucli negatiu, i no pas 2, que és un especificador negatiu. Es mostra que aquests dos marcadors compostos que comparteixen el mateix contingut lògic, que correspon al d'un operador que té un domini de quantificació sobre un conjunt d'entitats conceptuals, de les quals s'escull un subdomini com a element contrastat negatiu. A l'última secció es donen arguments a favor de la hipòtesi que l'estructura sintàctica de les oracions negatives en català apunta a un SNeg que té SConc com a complement. El ST s'interpreta com a complement de Conc.

  • English

    In this paper I shail approach certain questions that can be posed in the study of Catalan negative constructions: (a) how many negative markers can be distinguished; (b) how the difference between no and no pas should be described in the core grammar of this language, and (c) what sort of syntactic representation should be assigned to negative sententiai constructions in Catalan. The structure of the paper is organized as follows. Section 1 is devoted to describing the syntactic disttibution of the various negative markers existing in Catalan. It is proposed that, apart from no, there are two more negative markers: no pas I , which is a negative head, and no pas 2, which is a negative specifier. Section 2 describes the semantic properties that characterize these negative markers. It is argued that the association with focus is not an inherent property of the logical semantics of no pas, and that what singles out this operator, in contrast with no, is that it has a quantificational domain over a set of conceptual entities of which a subdomain is selected as the negative contrasted item. Section 3 deals with the sort of syntactic structure that should be assigned to Catalan negative sentences and it iniroduces the proposal that the relevant structure has a NegP as the root node and an AgrP as iis complement. TP is the complement of the latter functional category.

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