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Resumen de Hematoma espinal epidural espontáneo asociado a tratamiento anticoagulante con acenocumarol: a propósito de un caso. [Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in patients treated with acenocumarol: A case study]

Verónica Chuliá Carrasco, Patricia Gómez Barbero

  • español

    El hematoma epidural espontáneo es una entidad muy poco frecuente que supone una urgencia neurológica. Su presentación es muy variable, desde un dolor de espalda hasta una tetraplejia, según la gravedad y el nivel de compresión. Se comunica el caso de un paciente cardiópata de 71 años, tratado con acenocumarol, que presentó un hematoma epidural de modo espontáneo. Al inclinarse hacia el suelo, el paciente, que no tenía síntomas, sufrió un dolor brusco cervical seguido de debilidad en los miembros superiores e inferiores. Ante la sospecha clínica de una compresión medular, se decide realizar una resonancia magnética de urgencia, que mostró un hematoma de localización epidural con extensión desde C4 hasta T8. El diagnóstico urgente y el tratamiento de descompresión precoz son fundamentales para reducir al mínimo los daños neurológicos posteriores permanentes.  AbstractSpontaneous spinal epidural hematoma is an uncommon condition and a neurological emergency. The clinical presentation of this type of hematoma is very variable, ranging from a backache up to a quadriplegia, according to the severity and the site of compression. Here, we discuss the clinical case of a 71-year-old patient with heart problems, under previous treatment with acenocumarol, that suffered a spontaneous epidural hematoma. The patient, previously asymptomatic, presented, sudden cervical pain when he bent over, followed by weakness in the lower and the upper limbs. Due to the clinical suspicion, an emergency MRI was performed, showing an epidural hematoma extending from C4 to T8. Early diagnosis and decompressive treatment are mandatory to minimize permanent neurological damage.

  • English

    Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma is an uncommon condition and a neurological emergency. The clinical presentation of this type of hematoma is very variable, ranging from a backache up to a quadriplegia, according to the severity and the site of compression. Here, we discuss the clinical case of a 71-year-old patient with heart problems, under previous treatment with acenocumarol, that suffered a spontaneous epidural hematoma. The patient, previously asymptomatic, presented, sudden cervical pain when he bent over, followed by weakness in the lower and the upper limbs. Due to the clinical suspicion, an emergency MRI was performed, showing an epidural hematoma extending from C4 to T8. Early diagnosis and decompressive treatment are mandatory to minimize permanent neurological damage.

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