Xabier Alonso Salgueiro, un mozo dunha aldea dos arrabaldes vigueses que con 16 anos, na segunda metade da década dos sesenta do pasado século, comezou a traballar no estaleiro vigués de Barreras. Alí fragou a súa conciencia antifranquista, democrática e de esquerdas. Incorpórase a CCOO e ao PCG. En 1971, préndeno nunha manifestación portando unha bandeira galega. Na reelaboración imaxinada do movemento obreiro nacionalista converterase no "mozo da bandeira". Torturado e encarcerado, posteriormente readmitido no estaleiro, falecerá nun tráxico accidente laboral. Na segunda metade dos anos setenta e na década dos oitenta desenvolverá unha intensa actividade social e municipal no seu concello natal, Gondomar, que deixará unha forte pegada.
Xabier Alonso Salgueiro, a boy from a place near Vigo, began to work in Barreras, one of Vigo`s shipyards, between 1965 and 1970, when he was 16. There he forged his anti-Francoist, democratic and leftist awareness. He joined CCOO and PCG. IN 1971 he is arrested by the police during a demonstration carrying a Galician flag. In the imagined re-elaboration of the nationalist workers movement, he had become "the boy of the flag". He was tortured and imprisoned, and later, reinstated into the shipyard. Finally he died in a tragic labour accident. In the second half of the '70s and in the '80s he developed an intense social and municipal activity in his municipality of birth, Gondomar, where he left a long lasting impression.
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