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Resumen de Compatible effect or competitive effect: An investigation of attraction spatial interdependency

Bo Zhou, Bi Yang, Yi Liu

  • This study empirically examines the spatial interdependency of attractions, using a uniquedatabase of 75 important attractions in Guangdong (GD) province, China and spatialeconometric models. According to the estimation results, compatible effects apply to thesamples in GD overall and in eastern GD, while competitive effects apply to the samples innorthern GD. To analyze further, this study finds attraction theme matters to the nature ofspatial interdependency. There are competitive effects among natural attraction (NA) andman-made attraction (MA) and insignificant compatible effects among cultural attractions. Thecompetitive effects among NAs have a root in the competition for tourists’ time budget, andcompetitive effects among MAs are related toproduct homogeneity, resulting from theubiquitous product imitation in MAs in China. This study concludes that to distinctly diversifyattraction theme is a critical way to generate a positive spatial interdependency amongattractions within a certain geographic area

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