El algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) se caracteriza por sus excelentes propiedades física-mecánicas en su madera, lo cual la hace muy apreciable en la industria del mueble. El color es un rasgo importante en ciertos usos de la madera, e incide en su calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la variación colorimétrica de la madera entre sitios, sección y región de la madera y correlacionar parámetros colorimétricos con rasgos dentrométricos del árbol. Las muestras se extrajeron de tres rodales naturales (Los Arias, Santiago del Estero; Isla Cuba, Formosa y Villa Ángela, Chaco) y una plantación (San Isidro, Santiago del Estero), de la Región Chaqueña Argentina. Los parámetros colorimétricos (L*, a*, b*) se obtuvieron con un espectrofotómetro KONICA MINOLTA CM-5 con iluminante D65. El análisis confirmó que existen diferencias significativas en parámetros colorimétricos entre sitios, secciones y regiones de las muestras de madera analizadas. El tamaño de los árboles se encuentra directamente relacionado con los parámetros colorimetricos.
The algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) is characterized by its excellent physical-mechanical properties in its wood. The colour is an important feature in certain use of wood, and affects its quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the colorimetric variation between sites, section and region of the wood samples and correlate colorimetric parameters with dentrometric features of the tree. The samples were obtained from three natural stands (Los Arias, Santiago del Estero, Isla Cuba, Formosa and Villa Ángela, Chaco) and a plantation (San Isidro, Santiago del Estero), in the Chaqueña region of Argentina. The colorimetric parameters (L *, a *, b *) were obtained with a KONICA MINOLTA CM-5 spectrophotometer with illuminant D65. The colorimetric analysis confirmed that there are significant differences in colorimetric parameters between sites, section and region in the wood samples analyzed. The size of the trees is directly related to the colorimetric parameters.
The algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) is characterized by its excellent physical-mechanical properties in its wood. The colour is an important feature in certain use of wood, and affects its quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the colorimetric variation between sites, section and region of the wood samples and cor-relate colorimetric parameters with morphometric features of the tree. The samples were obtained from three natural stands (Los Arias, Santiago del Estero, Isla Cuba, Formosa and Villa Ángela, Chaco) and a plantation (San Isidro, Santiago del Estero), in the Chaqueña region of Argentina. The colorimetric parameters (L*, a*, b*) were obtained with a Konica Minolta CM-5 spectrophotometer with illuminant D65. The colorimetric analysis confirmed that there are significant differences in colorimetric parameters between sites, section and region in the wood samples analyzed. The size of the trees is directly related to the colorimetric parameters.
Keywords: Aesthetic, CIELab, heartwood, physical properties, wood color, wood variability
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