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Resumen de Rational Choice Theory and International Communication: A Proposal for a New Interpretation of Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution

Juan Luis López Aranguren

  • In this article, I propose a new interpretation of the Japanese communicative dimension and of Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution (which protects freedom of expression) based on rational choice theory as the theoretical framework. This new approximation proceeds from the assumption that the rationality of an actor (an individual actor or a collective actor like Japan) depends on the capacity of this actor to access and process information. The rationality of this being that the capacity to understand is an ability to satisfy oneʼs own hierarchy of preferences. Therefore, this research proposes a new interpretation of Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution as a constitutional commitment of Japanese society to guarantee its level of rationality as a complex society. To do this, in this research I will offer a deep taxonomic identification and description of rational choice theory evolution and its three complementary formulations (the positive political theory, social choice theory and public choice theory), an approximation of the communicative dimension of Japan and a new interpretation of Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution in the light of the rational choice theory.

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