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Resumen de The role of the extra physical activity on memory storage and psychosocial features

Gabriele Russo, Federico Nigro, Gaetano Raiola, Andrea Ceciliani

  • The present research investigated the role of the physical activity on cognitive functions and psychosocial characteristics. Pre-adolescent children of a middle School of Rimini participated to extra physical activities (EPA) organised by the school. They performed a Free Recall memory Test (Nielson, Radtke & Jensen, 1996) and filled the self-esteem questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1965) and their results were compared with a group of students that did not performed the activity proposed (non-EPA). Moreover, to control the level of physical activity of the sample, participants filled the International activity questionnaire. The results showed that the students who participated to the extra physical activities had high self-esteem compared to the non-EPA group, while no differences between the groups emerged from the Free Recall Memory test.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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