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Resumen de Romanticismos y chimeneas de carne: apuntes sobre el nacionalsocialismo

Alejandro García García

  • español

    La capitulación alemana de 1918, como memoria remota, y la implosión de su economía a finales de los años veinte, como experiencia de vida, prepararon el terreno a Hitler. Pero para entender el triunfo del nacional socialismo y la etnificación de lo político, además de la derrota de la insurgencia espartaquista en 1919 y la levedad política del SPD en un escenario de confrontación, hay que reconocer que los intelectuales nacionalsocialistas lograron hacer de la lectura nihilista del romanticismo el sentido común de la nueva época. Y no solo teorizaron sino que actuaron.

  • English

    The German capitulation of 1918, as a remote memory, and the implosion of its economy at the end of the twenties, as an experience of life, prepared de ground for Hitler. But to understand the triumph of National Socialism and the ethnification of the political, in addition to the defeat of the Spartacist insurgency in 1919 and the political lightness of the SPD in a scenario of confrontation, we must recognize that the National Socialist intellectuals managed to make the nihilistic reading of romanticism the common sense of a new era. And they not only theorized but acted.

    The German capitulation of 1918, as a remote memory, and the implosion of its economy at the end of the twenties, as an experience of life, prepared de ground for Hitler. But to understand the triumph of National Socialism and the ethnification of the political, in addition to the defeat of the Spartacist insurgency in 1919 and the political lightness of the SPD in a scenario of confrontation, we must recognize that the National Socialist intellectuals managed to make the nihilistic reading of romanticism the common sense of a new era. And they not only theorized but acted.

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