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Resumen de La RDA: «pays disparu», nation disparue?

Nicolas Offenstadt

  • Hérodote interviewed the author of “The Lost Country, on the path of West Germany”, Nicolas Offenstadt. His approach through contemporary East Germany lanscape description is very interesting to understand what West Germany residents must experience : industrial waste, closed administrative buildings, presence and absence of contemporary art and socialist architecture... According to the author, in the course of 40 years, a common world emerged, and this is precisely because this nation has had constituency that it remains at stake today. Since the reunification, the new political and economic system of East Germany is modeled on West Germany’s one. This is why some talk about « colonization » to analyze the 1990s. To Nicolas Offenstadt, what contributed to far right success in Eastern Landers, are the humiliations, unemployment, and discredit feelings. West-East opposition was, for a big part, built on after the reunification turn.

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