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Resumen de Notions of Dirichlet problem for functions of least gradient in metric measure spaces

Riikka Korte, Panu Lahti, Xining Li, Nageswari Shanmugalingam

  • We study two notions of Dirichlet problem associated with BV energy minimizers (also called functions of least gradient) in bounded domains in metric measure spaces whose measure is doubling and supports a (1, 1)-Poincaré inequality. Since one of the two notions is not amenable to the direct method of the calculus of variations, we construct, based on an approach of Juutinen and Mazón-Rossi–De León, solutions by considering the Dirichlet problem for p-harmonic functions, p>1, and letting p→1. Tools developed and used in this paper include the inner perimeter measure of a domain.

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