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Resumen de Presencia de facies Buntsandstein (Anisiense-Ladiniense?) en el Triásico de Calasparra, Murcia

Fernando Pérez Valera, Núria Solé de Porta, Alberto Diego Pérez López

  • Keuper, Muschelkalk and Buntsandstein facies have been described in the External Zones of theBetic Cordillera. In many cases, however, Buntsandstein facies have been confused with Keuperfacies, because the stratigraphy of these outcrops is not continuous and because adequatedatings were not available for each detritic unit. To the extent that a number of pollen-baseddatings have been recently established, it can now be shown that most of these outcrops,previously considered Buntsandstein facies, are in fact Keuper facies.This paper defines the stratigraphy of the Triassic rocks which outcrop in the southeast ofCalasparra (Murcia). Information is also provided regarding an outcrop in which the Buntsandstein(in Rot facies) is located in a stratigraphical continuity with the Muschelkalk facies. Recentpollen-based datings have led to the conclusion that the Buntsandstein belongs to the Ladinianage, although the Anisian age may also be present in the lower part of this unit.

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