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Resumen de The Poincaré half-space of a C∗-algebra

Esteban Andruchow, Gustavo Corach, Lázaro Recht

  • Let A be a unital C∗-algebra. Given a faithful representation A⊂B(L) in a Hilbert space L, the set G+⊂A of positive invertible elements can be thought of as the set of inner products in L, related to A, which are equivalent to the original inner product. The set G+ has a rich geometry, it is a homogeneous space of the invertible group G of A, with an invariant Finsler metric. In the present paper we study the tangent bundle TG+ of G+, as a homogeneous Finsler space of a natural group of invertible matrices in M2(A), identifying TG+ with the Poincaré half-space H of A, H={h∈A:Im(h)≥0,Im(h) invertible}.

    We show that H≃TG+ has properties similar to those of a space of non-positive constant curvature.

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