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Resumen de On the causes of emancipation, particularly concerning age, according to the XVI Century Jurist Gil Ramirez de Arellano. Reception of roman law

Beatriz García Fueyo

  • español

    Un jurista toledano, Gil Ramírez de Arellano, profesor de Salamanca, en el último cuarto del siglo XVI, comenta en su cátedra de Volumen (últimos libros de esa parte de la Compilación), una constitución del Código de Justiniano, sobre las causas de extinción de la patria potestad, y muestra la vigencia de su normativa en esa centuria, aunque añade otras causas no contempladas en las Instituciones justinianeas, sino en Derecho canónico y Derecho patrio, para insistir en la inexistencia de la edad, “mayor de edad”, como causa de pérdida de la patria potestad, por muy longeva que sea, mientras viva el ascendiente paterno, y no se haya extinguido su poder paterno con uno de los modos previstos en Derecho.

  • English

    Gil Ramírez de Arellano, born in Toledo in the 16th century, was a spanish jurist and also a professor at Salamanca’s University. In his Chair of Volume (in reference to the last books of this part of Justinian’s Compilation), he makes an analysis of a Constitution of the Justinian Code on the causes of extinction of parental rights/patria potestas. His purpose was to show the validity of this regulation in the 16th century, although he includes other causes not contemplated in justinian institutions, but in canon law and spanish law. He also insists on the absence of age as a cause of loss of parental rights, no matter its duration, as long as the paternal ascendant lives, and his paternal power has not been extinguished by one of the several ways provided by law.

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