Santiago de Compostela, España
O nome constituía unha posesión inmaterial que se recibía no bautismo e conformaba unha das principais pezas da identidade do neonato. A súa escolla respondía a uns parámetros que foron mudando conforme ao contexto, pero que, na práctica, mantiña o simbolismo que o vinculaba coa familia carnal e espiritual, así coma coa propia comunidade na que a persoa se integraba. Non se trataba da simple asignación dun nome, senón que ese nome acostumaba ser transmitido por unha persoa do seu entorno a modo de dádiva inmaterial e de demostración da relación existente. Analizar as vías de asignación ilustra a evolución que o repertorio onomástico do interior galego tivo ao longo do Antigo Réxime, amosando a forte relevancia que a familia e a comunidade tiveron. Contribúe, amais, a explicar as razóns que levaron á pronta incorporación de determinados nomes que non pertencían á onomástica tradicional galega, así como o rexeitamento a outros nomes.
The name constituted an intangible heritage which was received in the baptism; also, it became a principal part of newborn’s identity. The circumstances had influence the choice of the name, so the repertoire was changing just as the context; but, the name always conserved the symbolism about blood and spiritual family and of the community in where the baptised was born. It wasn’t a simple assignment of a name because the name used to be transmitted by a person close to the baptised, as an intangible gift and a demonstration of the relationship. The evolution of onomastic repertoire of the interior of Galicia can be showed when we analyze the transmission ways and their impact; also, it illustrated the importance of the family and the community in anthroponymy’s tendencies. In addition, it contributed to explain the reasons for the fast incorporation of certains names which didn’t belong to galician traditional repertoire, just as the refusal of others.
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