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Resumen de Secuencias experimentales de reacción entre sulfuros y carbonates: un análogo de la sedimentación marina en ambientes anóxicos

Alberto Santos Sánchez, Pedro Jesús Extremera Aceituno, José Vicente Navarro Gascón, Susana Fernández Bastero, Luis Gago Duport

  • With the aim of establishing the relations that exist between certain minerals, sulphides and carbonates, in anoxic marine environments as well as to understand the factors and mechanisms that control the reactions that are necessary for their formation or dissolution, a number of laboratory experiments are carried out to simulate in detail the reactions in shallow water carbonate sediments and the sulphate reduction reactions in shallow water siliciclastic sediments in which the content and the reactivity of Fe is not a limiting factor.

    In the experiments a series of coupled reactions take place that cause, in the first case the dissolution of aragonite and the recristallization ofcalcite and, in the second case the formation of amorphous iron sulphides and the formation of siderite. In addition the diagenetic environments for the formation of these components, sulphides and carbonates, in the sediments of the Bay of Cadiz are explained.

Fundación Dialnet

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