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Resumen de Factores de control de la dinámica sedimentaria en el frente litoral de la Bahía de Cádiz

José Manuel Gutiérrez Mas, A. Luna del Barco, Mohamed Achab, Juan José Muñoz Pérez, Juan Luis González Caballero, José Manuel Jódar Tenor, J. M. Parrado Román

  • In external Cadiz bay two sectors can be differentiated: a sandy littoral zone and a sublittoral zone below the limit deep affected by surge and currents. In latter two subsectors are differentiated:

    one in western central part; with relict sands formed when sea level was lower than present day or by exceptional dynamic events; other more muddy and influenced by tidal flows that carry suspension matter. Clay minerals have been used as natural tracers to determinate transport directions of fine sediments. Bed transport predominate in high energy shallow zones, where deposits are constituted by coarse grains, affected by back currents during storm weather.

    Bedforms point a transport direction toward West and SW. Suspension transport is carried out by tidal currents. The sediment sources are: inner bay (lagoon), Cuadalete river and tidal creeks.

    Sediment dynamic is controlled by several factors: sea bottom phisiography, sediment contribution sources, sea level changes and hydrodynamics system.

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