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Resumen de Bonaventura Vulcanius traduttore della "Catena in Ioannem"

Matteo Stefani

  • The codex Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, ms. Vul c. 9 contains teaching speeches and Greek-into-Latin translations by Bonav entura Vulcanius (1538-1614). Among these materials, the Latin trans lation of the first chapters of a Catena in Ioannem is an important source to study Vulcanius as a tran sla- tor. This paper aims to provide the critical editio n of Vulcanius’ translation with the Greek text according to the codex Paris, B ibliothèque nationale de France, ms. gr. 209, which is identified as the sou rce of the Greek model used by Vulcanius for his translation

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