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Etnografia euskararen kultur aniztasunean:: hemen da iragana ala etorkizuna

  • Autores: Josu Ozaita Azpiroz
  • Localización: Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-8435, Nº. 113, 2019 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Txillardegi-HAUSNARTU Euskal Soziolinguistika Sariak (2019)), págs. 113-126
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Several decades ago, the Basque Country received many immigrants who were citizens looking for a better life. Many have also moved away from here with the same intention, and over the last few years, many people from all over the world have flocked here. These movements (of people) can provide an option for the Basque language, at least if we do not repeat past mistakes. With cultural diversity, the Basque language can win out if we always reach out and provide a welcome for the first ones coming and if we strengthen our plans to that end. This article is a summary of an ethnographic work of the Neighbourhood project that is being carried out which should provide us with food for thought.

    • euskara

      duela hamarkada batzuk etorkin asko jaso zituen euskal herriak, bizimodu hobeago baten bila zetozen herritarrak. hemendik ere, asmo berdinarekin mugitu dira hainbat, eta azken urteetan, mundu zabaleko jende asko bertaratu da. Mugimendu hauek aukera izan daitezke euskararentzat, bai behintzat, ez baditugu iraganeko akatsak errepikatzen. kultur aniztasunean euskarak irabazi dezake, beti ere, eskua zabalduta eduki eta harrera egitera lehen lerrora hurbiltzen bagara, honetarako egitasmoak indartzen baditugu. Lanketa hau burutzen duen Auzoko proiektuaren inguruko etnografia baten laburpena da testua, hausnartuz jarriko gaituena

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