By the cross-check of some information contained in printed texts published in Naples between the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries and unknown so far to the studies about the Neapolitan painter Giuseppe Recco, it has been possible to confirm the only supposed homonymy between the noble Giuseppe Recco, Knight of Calatrava and duke of Accadia -a scholar and author in particular of the "Notizie delle famiglie nobili della Città e Regno di Napoli" (1717)- and the most renowned painter of still life paintings. The homonymy between these two outstanding personalities of seventeenth-century Neapolitan society, living in the same years and in the same city, must have caused an immediate confusion if the biographer De Dominici ascribes the biographical information of two different persons to a single figure just in the following century. Therefore Giuseppe Recco the painter is not Knight of Calatrava -as maintained by De Dominici- but Knight of a different knighthood still to be identified, a noble title that was assigned between 1679 and 1680, as it can be assumed from a study carried out on some of his works.
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