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Resumen de Jacques Tatiren Paris hiritik Andrei Tarkovskyren Tokiora: bi kasu

Julen Agirre Egibar

  • English

    In this article, two cases are compared, on the one hand the city of Paris of the Jacques Tati's film Playtime, and the other hand the city of Tokyo of the Andrei Tarkovski's film Solaris. Between the two cities -two cases- the similarities are evident, they are completely herm.

  • euskara

    Artikulu honetan bi kasu alderatzen dira, batetik Jacques Tatiren Playtime pelikulako Paris hiria, eta bestetik Andrei Tarkovskiren Solaris pelikulako Tokio hiria. Bi hirien -bi kasuetan- artean antzekotasunak nabarmenak dira, guztiz hermetikoak eta aseptikoak dira.

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