This study aimed to evaluate the decomposition of the residual dry mass and the initial release of nitrogen from different coverages winter for the subsequent cultivation of maize. The work was conducted in Major Vieira, SC, on a family property. The experimental design was a randomized block, with five treatments (alternative soil cover) and three replications. The treatments: a) consortium of oat (Avena strigosa) + ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) + vetch (Vicia spp.) + vesiculoso clover (Trifolium vesiculosum),, with grazing and nitrogen fertilization (100 kg of N); b) Grassland of black oat + ryegrass + vetch + clover vesiculoso, with grazing and without nitrogen fertilization; c) coverage (oat + ryegrass + vetch + vesiculoso clover), without grazing and without nitrogen fertilization; d) forage turnip (Raphanus sativus), without grazing and without nitrogen fertilization, and e) fallow (control). The rate of decay was measured through pockets of decomposition (litter bags), collected in seven seasons during the corn crop. The turnip forage was the treatment that was more difficult to decompose according to their chemical characteristics. This limited the supply of nitrogen for the corn crop. Treatment coverage consortium made rapid initial release of N and thus was considered the most appropriate for use in succession with the corn crop. The grazing influenced the release of nitrogen, mainly by the lower amount of total dry mass produced. The grain yield of maize was not influenced by soil cover.
O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a decomposição da matéria seca inicial e a liberação de nitrogênio (N) das diferentes coberturas invernais para a subseqüente cultura do milho. O trabalho foi realizado em uma fazenda no município de Major Vieira-SC. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos (alternativas de cobertura do solo) e três repetições. As alternativas de cobertura do solo constituíram de: a) Pastagem de aveia preta (Avena strigosa) + azevém (Lolium multiflorum) + ervilhaca (Vicia spp.)+ trevo vesiculoso (Trifolium vesiculosum), com pastejo e com adubação nitrogenada (100 kg de N); b) Pastagem de aveia preta + azevém + ervilhaca + trevo vesiculoso, com pastejo e sem adubação nitrogenada; c) cobertura (aveia + azevém + ervilhaca + trevo vesiculoso), sem pastejo e sem adubação nitrogenada d) nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus) em pastejo e sem adubação nitrogenada, e e) pousio (testemunha). O tratamento nabo forrageiro apresentou as características químicas mais limitantes a uma rápida decomposição e fornecimento de N para a cultura em sucessão. O tratamento consórcio cobertura por apresentar rápida liberação inicial de N foi considerado o mais adequado para a utilização na sucessão com a cultura do milho. O pastejo teve influência sobre a liberação de N, principalmente pela menor quantidade de massa seca total produzida. A produtividade de grãos de milho não foi influenciada pelas coberturas do solo. ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the decomposition of the residual dry mass and the initial release of nitrogen from different coverages winter for the subsequent cultivation of maize. The work was conducted in Major Vieira, SC, on a family property. The experimental design was a randomized block, with five treatments (alternative soil cover) and three replications. The treatments: a) consortium of oat (Avena strigosa) + ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) + vetch (Vicia spp.) + vesiculoso clover (Trifolium vesiculosum),, with grazing and nitrogen fertilization (100 kg of N); b) Grassland of black oat + ryegrass + vetch + clover vesiculoso, with grazing and without nitrogen fertilization; c) coverage (oat + ryegrass + vetch + vesiculoso clover), without grazing and without nitrogen fertilization; d) forage turnip (Raphanus sativus), without grazing and without nitrogen fertilization, and e) fallow (control). The rate of decay was measured through pockets of decomposition (litter bags), collected in seven seasons during the corn crop. The turnip forage was the treatment that was more difficult to decompose according to their chemical characteristics. This limited the supply of nitrogen for the corn crop. Treatment coverage consortium made rapid initial release of N and thus was considered the most appropriate for use in succession with the corn crop. The grazing influenced the release of nitrogen, mainly by the lower amount of total dry mass produced. The grain yield of maize was not influenced by soil cover.
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