Macarena Verónica del Valle, Juan Ignacio Galli, Sebastián Urquijo, Lorena Canet Juric
El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar y validar la Escala de Autocontrol (EAC) y la Escala de Autocontrol-Abreviada (EAC-A) para población hispanohablante. Se trabajó con una muestra de 430 estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (279 mujeres y 151 hombres) con una media de edad de 23.38 (DE = 5.69). El Análisis Factorial Exploratorio reveló en la EAC una estructura de tres factores que fueron denominados Control no reflexivo de los impulsos, Autodisciplina y Control reflexivo de los impulsos. En la EAC-A se halló una estructura de dos factores, que fueron denominados Autodisciplina y Control de los impulsos. Tanto la EAC como la EAC-A presentaron buenos índices de ajuste de modelo y adecuados valores de consistencia interna. Se presentan asimismo evidencias de validez concurrente y convergente a través de asociaciones con medidas de impulsividad y responsabilidad respectivamente. Se concluye que ambas escalas resultan válidas para la población bajo estudio.
Spanish adaptation of the Self-Control Scale and the Brief Self-Control Scale and evidences of validity in university population. The aim of the study was to adapt and validate the Self-Control Scale (SCS) and the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) for the Spanish-speaking population. We worked with a sample of 430 students from the National University of Mar del Plata (279 women and 151 men) with an average age of 23.38 (SD= 5.69). The Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed in the SCS a three-factor structure.The factors were named as Non-reflective control of impulses, Self-discipline and Reflective control of impulses. In the BSCS, a two-factor structure was found. Factors were named Self-Discipline and Control of the impulses. Both the SCS and the BSCS presented good model fit index and adequate values of internal consistency. Evidence of concurrent and convergent validity is also presented through associations with measures of impulsivity and responsibility, respectively. It is concluded that both scales are valid for the population under study.
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