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Resumen de Dos concilis de la província Narbonense, dels segles X i XI, fins ara ignorats

Ramon Ordeig i Mata

  • This paper talks about two councils celebrated in the Narbona Ecclesiastical Province in the X and XI centuries. The information about the first council, celebrated between the years 903 and 905 in an unknown place within the Province, is found in a decree of the Council of Barcelona of the year 906 in favour of the Monastery of St. Joan de les Abadesses. This decree, known but badly-interpreted, contains a list of the twelve bishops who took part in a council from 903 to 905 (prior to the Council of Bar- celona). The second council mentioned in the paper was celebrated in the Monastery of St. Geli in the Diocese of Nimes from July 1062 until the end oi 1063. The fifteen bishops who met in this council sent a letter to the count Guillem de Besalú and to the monks of Ripoll ratifying a papal bull given by Alexander II on 21 May 1062. A copy of this unpublished letter is kept in the Vic Episcopal Archives, among the papers of the last archivist monk in Ripoll, Roc d'0lzinelles.

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