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Resumen de L’Istituto Culturale Italo-Cinese di Luciano Magrini: il dialogo interculturale durante la Guerra Fredda: 1948-1966

Lorenzo M. Capisani

  • The Italian-ChineseCultural Center founded by Luciano Magrini promoted the knowledge of Chinese culture in Italy. Constantly, the member of the Center refrainedfrom any involvement in active politics and kept the Center separated from a similarinitiative started in the same period, the Centro Studi per le Relazioni Economiche e Culturali con la Cina. Magrini and his collaborators engaged in conferences, languagecourses and publications. In particular, a copious production of translations and studiesexplored themes of Chinese literature, philosophy, and other fields. Apparently, ICICexpressed a peculiar way to deal with China, which purely focused on the idea of adialogue between cultures. This approach had actually its roots in a high expectationtowards the ability of post-fascist Italy to perform a peaceful and wide-ranged foreignpolicy. Even if briefly, the legacy of the Center outlived Magrini, whose companions,especially Riccardo Bauer, tried to continue his work.

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