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Resumen de Narrazione Storica e Cartografia tematica: il Grande Assedio di Malta del 1565 da La Verdadera Relación di Francesco Balbi da Correggio

Giannantonio Scaglione

  • In this article we will try to read the events of the Great Siege of Malta of 1565taken from La Verdadera relacionof Francesco Balbi da Correggio (1567) with anew perspective through the elaboration of some cartographic translations. The aimof these papers is to visualize and to deal with the relationships of these events withthe maritime spaces and with the territory.The design of the places is enriched by a repertoire of signs (points, lines andsurfaces) which draw different phenomena in terms ofquantity and/or quality. Ittherefore offers a clear representation of the “movements” of the defense troops and ofthe places where the Ottoman assaults took place.In this case study we would like also to highlight the potentiality of thematiccartography used not only as simple illustrative tool,but also as real interpretativemoment applied to the historical research.

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