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Resumen de An approach to transmedia journalism

Ana Serrano Tellería

  • As stated by prominent academic experts in the field (Maloney, 2011, 2014; Scolari, 2013, transmedia narratives for journalism is an emerging field work in progress with enormous potential ahead. A review of the state of the art requires, therefore, going back to its origins mainly focused on the world of fiction: the seven principles described by Jenkins (2009): Spreadability vs. drillability; continuity vs. multiplicity; immersion vs. extractability; worldbuilding; seriability; subjectivity and performance. The dichotomies reflect the different possible dimensions of the message through several available media. Thus, while the message is spread, a world is being created by means of inter-related subjectivities and performances. Therefore, the objective of this essay is to offer an approach proposal that may allow to explore the characteristics and potentialities of transmedia logic and, specifically, of its narratives within journalism genres and new media interface design. Due to the incipient state of the art and the relatively initiatives which we can find developed, the focus of the methodology proposed will be based on the process of content analyses and creation of transmedia journalism projects. Research questions will delve into core issues such as potential for story expansion, stimulating curiosity, exploration encouragement, diversification of points of view along with enhanced dissemination of information through different media forms and formats. Furthermore, other essential issues are keeping and heeding the audience’s news consumption; making understandable the impact of the story, not only by immersing the public but also by locating the story in the users’ world of lived experienced, a fact which could engage the audience. Last but not least, reflecting the complexity of the real world and raising consciousness among the audience to intervene in solving a problem would be another key issue for the project proposal at hands.

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