Zaragoza, España
La cubeta intramontañosa de Cobatillas se sitúa en el sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica. En su relleno, probablemente mioceno, se diferencian dos unidades tectosedimentarias. La inferior presenta una evolución vertical compleja que resulta de la actividad tectónica en el margen sur, mientras que el margen norte tiene carácter pasivo. Dicha evolución consta de dos macrosecuencias de potencia hectométrica; en la superior se ha definido un conjunto de facies cuantificadas que reflejan la evolución litológica a lo largo del sistema sedimentario.
El análisis sedimentológico revela que tal sistema estaba integrado por un pequeño abanico aluvial (menos de 3,5 km de longitud) conectado con una extensa playa (más de 10 km) con áreas lacustre - palustres adosadas al margen pasivo de la cubeta. La evolución del estilo fluvial desde los sectores proximales a los distales del abanico se manifiesta en la aparición de elementos arquitecturales nuevos (AL, BA) y en las variaciones en importancia y dimensiones de los elementos comunes a los distintos sectores (C, BG, FD). El abanico se articula con la playa mediante una ruptura de pendiente que determina en esta última el predominio de los flujos laminares (elemento LA) frente a los canalizados. En los márgenes lacustres se reconocen ocasionalmente pequeños lóbulos deltaicos (elemento MF).
The small intramontane basin of Cobatillas is situated in the central sector of Iberian Chain (Teruel province, Spain) The fill of this basin, probably Miocene in age, is made up of two tectosedimentary units. The lower unit has a complex vertical evolution which is produced by tectonic activity at the active Southern edge, whereas the Northern edge has a passive character. This evolution is composed of two macrosequences of some hundreds of metres thick. In the upper one, a series of cuantitative lithofacies has been distinguished: conglomeratic, conglomeratic-Iutitic, Iutitic-conglomeratic and lutitic Iithofacies, reflecting the Iithological evolution throughout the depositional system. This system was integrated by a small alluvial fan (less than 3.5 km long), connected with an extensive playa (more than 10 km long), whose Iacustrine and palustrine facies appear attached to the passive edge. The evolution of fluvial style throughout the system can be expressed by associations of architectural elements, and occurs as a result of an increase of net sinuosity (appearance of the lateral accretion, LA element) and importance of the inactive areas (overbank fine, OF element) from proximal to distal sectors. The distal sector displays an alternation of LA and SB + GB elements (sandy bedform plus gravel bar elements) which involves critical slopes, and consequently the sinuosity is controlled by periodic variations in discharge. The fan and the playa are articulated via a break of slope, which determines in the Iatter the predominance of sheet flow processes (laminated sand sheet, LS element) in contrast to channelled ones. In the Iake margins, a FM element (foreset macroform) has been also recognized, corresponding to small deltaic lobes which shows progradation-reworking alternative phases, possibly controlled by Iacustrine base-level variations.
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