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Resumen de El relat de l'Assumpció de Maria i la formació religiosa popular en la Baixa Edat Mitjana

Josep Baucells i Reig

  • Knowing the importance of the Golden Legend of Jacobo de Voragine in the religious formation of the people in the lower Middle Ages, the author, using unpublished notes, studies the hagiography's role in the moral-theological preparation of the clergy, and in Christian life in the community, as well as the diffusion it had in the Diocese of Barcelona. Prior to a superficial view of the famous text as a whole, consideration is given to the literary sources in which the Genoese Bishop sought inspiration for the narration of the ascent of the Virgin Mary to Heaven. In the third part the author presents a critica1 edition of the narration as translated into Catalan according to two manuscript texts conserved in the archives of Barcelona Cathedral. One, from the XIV century, gives a full narrative faithfully following the ~íiginal method in Latin; the copy stops half way through the second miracle attributed to the belt of the Virgin Mary. The other manuscript is fragmentary and offers a very abbreviated text, and is refashioned on viewing the original. Finally some clues are established by which the Catalan text of the XIV century acquires great importance in the literary tradition in respect of the Golden Legend. Its elaboration was prior to the copies of the Codices of Barcelona (University Library) and Vic, and must be coetaneous with those of Paris. The latter, according to studies by J. Coromines and Ch. Kniazzaeh, closely reflects the Catalan version, the first in Romanic language and carried out in the Monastery of Cuixa.

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