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Resumen de Estructura i forma: Anunciació de naixement i forma d'elecció profètica (Lc 1, 26-38)

Paulino Bellet

  • In the Gospel of Luke, forrn critics have generally regarded, the annunciation narrative to Mary and the narrative of the announcernent of John's birth as the sarne. The exegetes seern to accept Muñoz Iglesias construction of the forrn and that is the basis of the exegesis of R.E. Brown in The birth of the Messiah and Mary in the New Testarnent. The latter is an official staternent by an ecurnenical group. The author tries to establish the difference between the forms of -announcernent. and -election. The historical criteria, theology and the vital character of the election forrn (e.g. Moses, Gideon, Isaiah, Jererniah, Ezekiel, Deutero-lsaiah and Mary) cannot be assimilated to the narratives of birth announcernents (e.g. Isaac, Hagar, Sarnson, Samuel, John the Baptist). This essay criticizes the rnethod followed by Brown and also the traditional understanding of the forrns by Muñoz Iglesias, Audet, Laurentin, Léon-Dufour, Lyonnet, Miguens, Gladstone, Fitzrnyer, Zerwick, Schurrnann and others. Traditional exegesis is, deficient in its understanding of the forrn. The forrn-critica1 interpretation of the annunciation to Mary in the light of the announcernent of John's birth is to be abandoned in scientific exegesis.

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